In all my years of making boards for Jordy, our Oxide model has been the model that set the trend of him becoming a pro. Jordy developed his technique and style on this model, showcasing his power and aggression surfing our coastal beaches and specially at Jbay's point breaks. This allowed me to focus, and develop boards, and refine Jordy’s surfing, epically at JBay, fine-tuning and evolving the Oxide. The Oxide's features and strong points are: our new forgiving low-sensitive rails, which enhances speed, and enabling you to engage quicker for a better response. Fortunately for us, we have JBay in our backyard, allowing us to tweak the Oxide randomly to perform well at will. The bottom construction consists of a curvier rocker throughout, a standard concave with an enhanced tail-lift, allowing for better carves or hacks on the open faces. The pin-tail allows for better hold as you sink the rail quicker, enabling you to push harder off the bottom. It’s all about having a well-balanced board when surfing good waves, and having confidence is key, so less is more regarding this design! We have added a touch more volume under the chest area, to get down those faces quicker, and even tube riding, one can get closer up on the nose-area and drive through those complex barrels. We hide more volume towards the stringer, so the heavier surfers will still have boards that look sexy. Ask Trevor-H he's the king at JBay riding my latest combination of both-worlds! Fin set up is by choice, thruster or Quads as they're becoming more in demand now days!

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